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Weird, funny - and fun: "Weird: The Story of Al Yankovic" is not afraid to be genius - voila! culture


This criticism will be very easy to write. If you like the music of Weird Al Yankovic (no, don't write Yankovic) - you will surely like the new movie based on his life

Star rating for movies - 4 stars (photo: photo processing, .)

On April 9, 2004, Wired El Yankovic (or as he is mistakenly called in Israel: Wired El Yankovic) performed at the Cultural Hall of Plato, Wisconsin in front of 5,000 enthusiastic fans.

It was another night in the huge tour that included 127 shows in 15 months.

That evening there was a slightly different performance.

Not in terms of the audience, who got to hear all the parody songs that made Yankovic a global phenomenon - but in terms of the truth.

Just before going on stage, Yankovic received the bitter news that both his parents were found dead in their home from inhaling carbon dioxide emitted in their home.

No one would be mad at Jankovic if he canceled the show, but he decided to come on anyway.

He explained the decision in retrospect by saying that he knew his music did so much good for others, and he hoped it would do the same for him.

This dramatic evening, which he defines as the most difficult in his life, was not included in the new movie "Weird: The Story of Al Yankovic" which is based on his life.

After you see the movie, you also understand why.

It is not really a musical biography, but a parody of the genre.

And if there is someone in this world whose parodies should not be ignored - it's Alfred Yankovic.

Brilliant performance.

Daniel Radekflip as Al Yankovic (photo: screenshot, screenshot)

This criticism will be very easy to write.

If you like Weird Al Yankovic's music - you will surely like the new movie based on his life, directed by Eric Apple.

Although, and perhaps because, this is probably the freest way the word "based" has ever been used - and it is part of the concept.

This is not always the case in such biopics.

You can admire Elton John's music, and still think the movie "Rocketman" is bad.

It is possible to love "Queen" and not understand the enthusiasm surrounding "Bohemian Rhapsody" which is based on the life story of Freddie Mercury.

That's what's so captivating about Jankovic's new film, it's not really trying to be a biopic - but a parody of such films.

In doing so, he addresses exactly the target audience, the one who has been with him since 1979 when he released his parody of the Kanak band's "My Sharona" - and became an international phenomenon.

It should be noted that this is not the best parody ever made of the genre.

"Going Strong: The Dewey Cox Story" from 2007 managed to make fun of all the musical films of the century, and reached a cult status - not least thanks to a wonderful performance by John C.

Riley in the lead role, for which he was nominated for a Golden Globe Award.

30 years before, the band "The Rattles" was founded in England by Monty Python veteran Eric Idle, which is a parody of the Beatles (with the sporting collaboration of George Harrison).

At the same time in America, Rob Reiner founded "Spinal Tap" together with several comedians, which was a parody of aging stadium rock bands.

Both bands were immortalized in films that are the cornerstones of musical parody.

More in Walla!



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Daniel Radcliffe, stepping into the shoes of the fictional version of Yankovic, does a great job as a clichéd rock star.

The one who tries to please his parents, falls in love with the wrong girl and ends up addicted to drugs and alcohol.

None of these things are true of course.

Yankovic's relationship with his parents was healthy as far as is known and ended as mentioned in tragedy, he did not date Madonna (Evan Rachel Wood in a great role) even though she was definitely the one who suggested he make a parody of "Like a Virgin" and he did not touch forbidden substances out of loyalty to the Christian education he received at home.

Yes, he is not Jewish.

It is possible that the fact that Vired El is not Jewish is itself anti-Semitic.

The guest stars in the film include big stars such as Lin-Manuel Miranda, Conan O'Brien and Michael McCain (among others the lead singer of "Spinal Tap", a nice full circle for Jankovic), which only add to the overall sense of fun of the film.

But not everything works in the movie, just as not everything works in Weird Al's songs.

The (real) character of Doctor Demento, played by Rayne Wilson (DeWitt from "The Office") is quite oppressive, some punches can be spotted from a mile away while others are simply childish.

Still, the experience of watching the film is fun, and even exciting at times.

Again, if you're a fan of Wired El.

In its best moments, the film isn't afraid to be genius.

At other times, he's not afraid to be silly.

This does not contradict.

Jankovic's commitment to comedy is impressive, and the film seems to try to confront him with that commitment.

For example, when his character receives harsh insults from one of the industry people (played by Will Forte), while his partner (Weird Al himself) sits in the room and is forced to listen to the insults.

The parody itself works excellently - and to avoid spoilers I won't detail the ingenious twists that Yankovic and Apple make later in the story, which will make you run to Google to check: really?

  • culture

  • Theater

  • film review


  • Daniel Radcliffe

Source: walla

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